

I am addicted to DRAMA — not the kind that causes trouble, but the kind that stirs up truth, reveals love, and fosters justice and transformation.

This is why I love romance novels, rom coms, musicals, documentaries and reality TV — DRAMA galore! In fact, one of my favorite pastimes is soaking in a tub reading a trashy romance novel until the water goes cold — most of the books on my shelf are warped and waterlogged.


I am addicted to DRAMA — not the kind that causes trouble, but the kind that stirs up truth, reveals love, and fosters justice and transformation.

This is why I love romance novels, rom coms, musicals, documentaries and reality TV — DRAMA galore! In fact, one of my favorite pastimes is soaking in a tub reading a trashy romance novel until the water goes cold — most of the books on my shelf are warped and waterlogged.


I am addicted to DRAMA — not the kind that causes trouble, but the kind that stirs up truth, reveals love, and fosters justice and transformation.

This is why I love romance novels, rom coms, musicals, documentaries and reality TV — DRAMA galore! In fact, one of my favorite pastimes is soaking in a tub reading a trashy romance novel until the water goes cold — most of the books on my shelf are warped and waterlogged.

What does that have to do with Selling?

Marianne Williamson describes Drama in her book, The Law Of Divine Compensation as “a spontaneous emotional burst of truth.” When I read that, I knew in my bones that’s why get completely drawn and sucked into to stories (until they come to some sort of completion). I love these kinds of stories because they’re about people finding each other, missing each other, and becoming something new when they find each other again. In other words, they’re about transformation and connection —

And Sales is About Connection

As an adopted child, I struggled to connect — to people, things, and experiences — despite having a loving family that I adore.

My first real job was a summer telemarketing job and I fell in love with winning. I wasn’t into sports, or competitive in other ways, but suddenly I had found something that I was fucking good at and where I could win. Big time.

And I finally found the place where all of a sudden I FELT CONNECTION.

I could connect with anyone and everyone on the phone. I felt their pain. I felt their biggest desires. Later, at my first Corporate Job, it dawned on me that what we’re always selling (no matter what we’re actually selling) is TRANSFORMATION.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling long distance service (as I was) or life-changing coaching packages, the true sell is the transformation; the sale is only the transaction.

Once I figured this out, I soared in selling and learned how to connect and create transformation, which then helped me in the ‘outside world’ with all my relationships and leadership opportunities. I grew to being a center director responsible for more than 800 sales people, and my last position was managing the million-dollar monthly accounts and operations for big vendors like At&T, Bell South, and Vonage.

So for me, selling is DEEP. It’s a way to connect, and opportunity to transform.
And it’s also a way for me to help both you and your clients win.

I loooove happy endings — when the lovers find each other, when the bad guy goes to jail, when the detective solves the case.

And when the right client finds you and the transformation you offer? Oooooh. *shivers* That’s my favorite win of all!

Ready to Book a Date?

I’d love to chat. Check out how I like to work and let’s find a time to talk.

Ready to Book a Date?

I’d love to chat. Check out how I like to work and let’s find a time to talk.

Official Bio

Aandra Bohlen is a sales matchmaker on a mission to help entrepreneurs love their relationship with live sales. Building on years of experience managing hundreds of sales people in a corporate environment, Aandra teaches the power of connection and transformation in live sales and works with businesses to improve their enrollment process from first touch to testimonial. Aandra helps craft compelling sales scripts, webinar pitches, and sales calls that communicate the power of the transformation at stake by making a real connection with potential customers.